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Who is Girard?


Seth introduced me to Girard, a happy-go-lucky entity who told me I am a starseed from the beginning of the physical realm.  I know now that this information has far reaching and limit busting possibilities within it.  Girard has come through a few times with knowledge of different realms of existence and alien life.  He is known within the inner and nonphysical realm as the go-to-guy for all things extraterretrial in the physical realms.


Girard is the good-natured communicator, not a salesman, in any terms.  He coordinates the communication between different realms of existence.  It is a misnomer to state that an entity who is closely related to all of existence within physical realms resides mainly within the nonphysical realms.  In truth, we all exist in the present moment within all realms.  I communicate with the part of Girard that takes a breath from the hustle and bustle of a diplomat.  I communicate with Girard's oversoul.

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