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Donate with PayPal

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You can support our meaningful work in guiding people to the love and joy of their own worth through channeled messages from spirit. Many others are suffering from pain and trauma in this moment, and GEN wishes to make this knowledge of who we really are available to everyone who seeks it.


In order to keep rendered material free and available to all who desire or need it, we accept donations.  Your donations make it possible for Ruth to accept certain clients at discount, and keep the website, blog, and engines turning.


Being an open physical channel is Ruth's joy.  She has devoted herself to maintaining and developing the open channel in both trance and conscious rendering.  


Thank you so much to those who have previously donated to this cause through service and endowment.  You each continue to inspire me.  Light and love to each of you.


PayPal is an easy and secure form of making donations.




Spread the love.

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