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Common questions asked of Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan are answered.


If you don't find the answer to your question, feel free to contact me for more information.


Who is GEN?


GEN is a group of nonphysical beings formed as a gestalt of energy and joined together to speak through the channel of Ruth Elan. The members of GEN are varied and numerous. Some of the entities within the presentation of GEN exist quite close to our physical realm. Many others are much higher and far removed from our focus. GEN's energy originates from the far reaches of the unknown realm of all existence. It joins with further energy and eventually surges through Ruth's open channel to our physical realm.


When can I book an appointment?


After you pay for your service through, you can make an appointment through email. Your sessions can be made within 6 months of payment.

Ruth Elan's schedule is:


How do I book an appointment?


After you pay with credit card or an account on PayPal on, you will receive an email from Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan confirming your order and requesting that you choose a time for scheduling your appointment. Make sure PayPal has your correct email address. If my scheduled times don't work for you, we can work it out.


Will GEN answer questions?


Yes, GEN will answer your questions, and maybe even some you hadn't thought of yet. However, you may not initially understand the answers that are given. For some, the days after the session are full of new awareness and knowledge.


Will the session be a conversation or broadcast?


During your session with GEN, you will be able to periodically ask questions, much like a counselor. You will have a conversation with GEN, and have the opportunity for further discussion with Ruth after GEN retreats.


Why ask GEN questions?


GEN can give you insight and support in your time of questioning. Their sole intent is to guide you to your inner self and who you really are. In this, their guidance helps you understand your nature and the complexities of your interactions with others. Often, they hint at the beliefs that limit your perception of your reality and yourself.


Is there a difference between GEN and Emmanuel?


GEN is a group of nonphysical beings formed as a gestalt of energy and joined together to speak through the channel of Ruth Elan. Emmanuel is part of the gestalt known as GEN. There are many known individual entities within GEN of which Ruth is aware and many she is not aware of.


How long has Ruth been channeling?


Ruth Elan has been verbally channeling since November 6, 2013.

Ruth Elan has been physically channeling through auto writing, etc for most of her life.


Is there a discount?


Yes. After four (4) phone, live, or Skype sessions or card readings with Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan, you will be given a 40% off discount on individual sessions, renderings, and readings available on the website.

There are periodical sales events throughout the year.


Do I have to purchase a session and use it the same day?


Purchased sessions, individual or multiples, can be scheduled anytime within six (6) months from the date of purchase.


Is the recording kept private?


Yes. The private recording of your session is not shared with anyone but you. The client has the sole discretion to use the recording in any way he/she sees fit. The recording spends one (1) week's time in the Dropbox cloud for download by the client, unless other arrangements have been made. At an appropriate time, the Dropbox file is permanently deleted. The original file is held in archive at Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan.


What if I lose my recording?


No worries. Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan holds your audio file of your session in archive. It can be retrieved upon request with the proper information supplied. 

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